About OxForward

Empowering Downtown Oxford

OxForward's Mission & Vision

The Downtown Oxford Economic Development Corporation, OxForward, stands as a driving force behind the revitalization and preservation of Oxford’s historic Downtown Business district. As a 501(c)(3) organization, OxForward is governed by a dedicated board of directors, united by a shared vision of fostering downtown’s rejuvenation and enhancing its physical appeal, all while safeguarding its cherished historical character.

At the heart of OxForward’s mission lies a commitment to creating an environment that not only preserves our city’s rich history but also encourages its growth. To this end, OxForward’s extends a welcoming hand to businesses interested in locating within Oxford’s Downtown Business District, offering a range of incentives designed to support and incentivize growth.

Why Oxford, North Carolina

Every application is meticulously reviewed for completeness, with the utmost attention to detail, before being submitted to the Design Committee of OxForward and the City of Oxford Downtown Development Director. This ensures that projects align with the shared vision of a vibrant and thriving downtown.

In 2018, Oxford achieved a significant milestone by earning accreditation with The National Main Street Program, a prestigious recognition established by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This accomplishment is a testament to our collective commitment to preserving the character of our downtown while fostering its growth.

In 2015, OxForward, in collaboration with dedicated stakeholders and the City of Oxford, embarked on a transformative journey by initiating the creation of the Downtown Oxford Master Plan. This comprehensive plan outlines ambitious goals, including transforming Oxford into a regional destination, cultivating a walkable community, and establishing Granville County’s premier community gathering place. This vision includes a historic and vibrant downtown adorned with a diverse array of shops, restaurants, housing, entertainment venues, and even the county’s very own brewery!

In March 2016, the City of Oxford formally adopted the Downtown Master Plan, cementing it as the guiding document for the development of the downtown core. We invite you to explore the Downtown Master Plan by clicking here to gain deeper insights into our vision for Oxford's future.


OxForward remains committed to championing the continued growth and prosperity of our downtown. Together, with the support of our vibrant community, we are writing the next chapter of Oxford's storied history, preserving our past while building a brighter future for all who call this city home.

Incentives and Programs

The Downtown Oxford Economic Development Corporation offers the following incentives and
programs specifically located in the Historic Downtown Business District:

Façade Incentive Grant Application

Owners seeking to improve their building's façade or upper story development can apply for free through a partnership involving DOEDC, the NC Main Street Program, and UNC Greensboro.

Upper Story Development Program

This program encourages upper-story development in historic downtown buildings.

List of Available Downtown Properties

Explore a comprehensive list of properties available in the Historic Downtown Business District.

If interested in these programs or
incentives, please contact:

Downtown Development Director

at 919-603-1164

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